Workin Out
1:43 AM•Friday, April 17, 2009
ok so it's like almost 2 am right now...rather early for me actually. i've been doing a hit and miss job at staying consistent with Jillian's 30 day shred video, i think i'm getting bored with doing the same one over and i switched it up, i did level 2 instead of 1 (even though one leaves me wiped out as it is) and i think it was actually a good idea. dont get me wrong, it was crazy hard...some of the moves i couldn't even hardly's like i'm not built for it, which i know is just getting my body conditioned to it...ugh.

conditioning, a bit of a dirty word in my book.
conditioning requires you doing something your body presently cant handle, over and over, slowly....until it can.

plus this whole running thing is going lousy ....i've never been athletic in my whole life, and running is NOT my "thing". i know a lot of people do it to blow off steam, or wind down...or just to, all i can think of when I'm running, is how much i cannot stand running.
my record as of now for a times a whopping minute.

oh hush, that is an wasn't' even close to that before...idk why i'm wired so badly when it comes to cardio lungs start burning and i feel like i could puke and pass out at the same time, and it's not from lack of breathing properly...i've been really watching it...i just can't seem to catch my breath at i'm left with lots of walking time trying to slow the insane heart rate down to's ridiculous...


or patients....

both i seem to have no tolerance for when it comes to working out.

i like to see improvement. see results.
if i dont...i stop.

even if i tell myself i wont.

i worked out today though...this is good...i have to keep this up, i can't keep skipping, that's no good and only making things harder in the long run.

2 weeks.

that's the time period i want to make, working out everyday...start off small.
i have a friend coming into town that i haven't seen in 2 years...and i was a bit thinner then. i wanna have seen some progress, if only my schedule becoming somewhat normal...

i say I'm typing it at 2 am in the morning...

oy. I'm going to bed. night lovelies.

About me

This Blog is not what you might think, I'm not about making you something you're not, merely finding the beauty you truly are. we were all born with beauty, a beauty all our own. This beauty is not something that can be mass produced or sold in a cosmetic store, it is a right, our right....your right, that you alone hold. This blog is about unveiling that beauty. Not covering up, but playing up what we were given. this isn't about following the latest trend and fad, but about finding those things you love about yourself, and accentuating them. this is not for others, not so you can fit in, but so you can stand out as a one of a kind work of art, not because of the brand or style of makeup you are wearing, but because you know in you're heart you are beautiful. this is for you and you alone. like a snow flake, there is NO one out there that can be the beauty you can, no one who can dazzle quite like you do. So here we go, not as a goal, but as a journey, to unveil the beauty from within...

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